Saturday 17 March 2012

Tolstoy on Love

In order to be happy, you should love - love with self-sacrifice, love all and everything, and spread a network of love everywhere. No matter who gets into this net, catch them all and fill them with love. 

Sunday 4 December 2011

Aeneas and Dido

Aeneas & Queen Dido - "Don't fall in love, Dido, don't do it!!"

The Aenied is an Ancient Roman Epic Poem and it is FANTASTIC! I was enthralled! If you enjoy sad love stories, then you must read The Aenied by Virgil. 

I have no idea whether anyone will read this blog. I have no idea whether anybody will find this blog!


I hope somebody finds me soon!

The best novels I've read in 2011!


Here are the best novels I've read in 2011!

1) Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky (This novel gave me nightmares! Raskolnikov was after me; he wanted to murder me with an axe just like he did the old pawnbroker lady! :O)
2) Don Quixote by Cervantes ( Wonderful! Don Quixote may have taken the spot of ANNA KARENINA as my favorite novel of
3) What Men Live By & Other Stories (Okay, this is not a novel but a collection of short stories) by Tolstoy
4) Germinal by Zola (I read this in the original French!)
5) L'étranger par Albert Camus. (I read this one in the original French, too, not in translation!)
6) Of Love and Other Demons by Gabriel Garcia Márquez.

I think a lot about death.

This body of mine, with its strong muscles and healthy skin in-tact, one day it is going to perish and my lifeless body is going to be placed in a hole in the cold ground for the worms to feed upon my rotting flesh until nothing remains.
I came very near to dying once. I do not fear death. I am just perplexed by it.

Is death going to be the end of me
Or is bodily death only a migration of the soul, the start of a new journey, a fresh experience? What we call the soul, does it even exist? Is the soul immortal?
In Plato's Apology, Socrates says that death is either one of two things - Either it is like an endless, dreamless sleep, or it is a new experience, a new journey. Either way, there is no reason to fear. =)